
Assignments for 14.03.23

Assignments for 13.03.23

Assignments for 07.03.23

Assignments for 02.03.23

Assignments for 07.02.23

Assignments for 07.11.2022

Assignments for 03.11.2022

Assignments for 01.11.2022

Assignments for 06.10.2022

Assignments for 03.10.2022

Assignments for 30.09.2022

Assignment for 27.09.2022

  1. The March of Dimes makes its annual appeal in the early spring.
  2. Oil paints easily blend to form thousands of different shades.
  3. The minimum passing mark in most schools is 65%.
  4. The producer always had her eye out for young talents.
  5. Your gifts do not tempt persuade me and will not me to change my mind.
  6. In the cemetery the corpse visible was in the bright moonlight.
  7. A typical day in Florida is full of sunshine and warm breezes.
  8. Let’s devise a plan for doing away with homework.
  9. Everyone agrees that friendship is essential for all of us.
  10. A sharp rise in prices wholesale is bound to affect the prices in our neighborhood stores.
  11. The buffalo, which once roamed the plains, is quite scarce today.
  12. Government experts told us to buy chicken without realizing how expensive it had become.

Assignments for 26.09.2022

The day I won’t forget.

The day I won’t forget is the day I tried to do a flip in a pool and I fell and bust my head open. Blood dripping all over me. Real horror move. To be real tho, the day I won’t forget is the day when I did something wrong that I didn’t even remember and police started chasing me and I fell on the way home on an escalator and police took me to jail and I was playing basketball with my cellmates. Then I woke up. There is no special day I remember so you probably have to read this nonsense at least to know I did something. I’m sorry Miss Irina you just wasted 2 minutes of your life.

1. The chances of my winning the election were so dismal that I decided to quit before the
votes were counted.

  1. I won the wager that my bachelor* friend would be married by June.
  2. Kit Carson’s keen* eyesight protected him from the peril in the forest.
  3. While escaping from the bank, the robbers forced the teller to recline on the floor of
    their car.
  4. Since the shack was vacant,* we did not expect to hear the terrible shriek which came
    from it.
  5. With a sinister smile, the gangster invited Martha into his Cadillac.
  6. You cannot conceal the truth when you are questioned by the keen* lawyer.
  7. It is said that many ghosts inhabit the old Butler house.
  8. In fridgit weather I always wear three or four sweaters.
  9. After standing guard duty for four hours, I became completely numb
  10. As the closet was opened, the corpse fell out, frightening the janitor out of one year’s
  11. With the promise of a raise in pay, my boss tried to tempt me to stay on in the job.

Home task for 20.09.2022

Word Detective
From the list of 12 new words that follows, choose the one that corresponds to each definition below.

a promise that something is true oath

sharp; eager; intense keen

to desert; to leave without planning to come back abandon

something that is hard to bear hardship

to become fit qualify

wanting what someone else has jealous

brave; showing respect for women gallant

a man who has not married bachelor

facts; information data
the ability to say the right thing tact

empty; not filled vacant

not used to something unaccustomed
Spotlight On
Answer key, p. 19

Home task for 13.09.2022

Home task for 15.09.2022

The Social Media Marketing video talks about the way of socially spreading a product and catching attention with it. The short video doesn’t really get into the details but explains enough. I personally think it also was an advertisement of the drink and the company. You can see the name flash on the screen once at least every 15 seconds. Long story short` the video shortly explains one of the ways of advertising a product.

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