24 hours at school

20.01.2023 was the day the 24 hours at school challenge was going to be implemented. The start of the school day and the graphic of the first 8 hours were as usual. After the classes we participated in the media event, also known as media Friday. At 16:15 the school day was over. After we finished school, we took mats and other soft materials that could be placed on solid platforms and could provide comfort. At 16:30 the group split up to 3 different teams for the «Delicious mess» project and went on to get the products needed․ At 17:00 teams started cooking. The cooking process was fun, as we were dancing, singing and fooling around. At about 19:30 the cooking was done, and it was time for degustation. 3 meals were served, and the winning positions are as follows` The spaghetti took the 3rd place, as it was kind of unsuccessful but still tasting good. Pizzas took the 2nd place, and they were quite delicious, but not as delicious as the chicken fillets which took the first place and satisfied everyone. At 20:00 the «Delicious mess» project came to an end, and we went to the basketball court. After a couple sets of basketball games, we decided to play volleyball and flag. We had a great and healthy time in the court. At 22:00 the sports hour came to an end, and we went to watch movies. As we had some technical problems with movies, we watched skits and short movies on YouTube. At 24:00 it was time to sleep. We woke up at 8, had our breakfast at 9, and our 24 hours at school challenge was officially done.

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